So…Are bananas a safe bet for those who suffer from diabetes?
All doctors recommend eating fruits as part of a healthy diet. Both fruits and veggies are often linked to a lower risk of developing certain types of cancers, and heart-related diseases.
Since your diabetes problem puts you at a greater risk of developing certain conditions, consuming fruits is essential for you. So, when we looked at the good, the bad, and the ugly of eating bananas as a diabetic, we should also take into consideration that the carbs found in bananas can’t be compared with the carbs found in candies and sweets.
Plus, bananas also offer fiber, antioxidants, resistant starches, potassium, vitamin B6, as well as vitamin C.
A recent study also found that people with diabetes who eat fewer fruits did not improve their blood sugar levels. This means that fruits are a safe bet for diabetic sufferers, including bananas. However, they should always pick the unripe ones.
5 thoughts on “Is Banana Good or Bad for Diabetics? (Here’s Your Answer!)”
Thanks for sharing this info on bananas. I’m a type 2 diabetic and bananas are always on my shopping list. I will ret to control what I eat as far as bananas is concerned. Thank you.
Yes banana’s are good for those of us who are diabetic’s regardless of what type of diabetes we are suffering from. Now as for me I’m a diabetic type 2 and banana’s are on my shopping list too, but I always count my calories and carbohydrates too so I can control my diabetes also
Always loved bananas, Now I know why😀😀😀😀
I’m a type 2 diabetic, and I eat one banana a day. I look at it this way….I could be eating a doughnut, so……
I like bananas so much. All my life I have been friends with the bananas. Also have diabetes. Portion size is important oh so important.