9 Superfoods That Increase Blood Circulation in Your Body

Poor blood circulation is a common health issue caused by a number of conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart conditions, and peripheral artery disease. Certain foods have a significant impact on our circulation system, that’s why we should always pay attention to what we eat. Fill your plate with quality and your body will thank you for that.

If you want to increase your blood flow, look no further than this list of foods!

Photo by jirkaejc from Envato

1. Dark chocolate

You should consider eating dark chocolate, if you are dealing with circulation issues, says Steven Gundry, MD, a cardiologist who is the director and founder of the International Heart & Lung Institute as well as the Center for Restorative Medicine in Palm Springs and Santa Barbara, California.

“In moderation, dark chocolate is a fantastic addition to your diet,” he says. “Dark chocolate is shown to help your body produce nitric oxide, which plays an important role in protecting your heart and veins.” He also adds that chocolate bars with a high cocoa percentage (at least 72 percent) are a better option when it comes to inadequate blood flow. This is mainly because cocoa contains antioxidants that can help you manage blood pressure, cholesterol and increase your blood flow.

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