8 Disgusting Ingredients Your Favorite Foods Contain

Vanilla Ice Cream

Castoreum, a slime that is secreted from a beavers`s anus, is an important ingredient in vanilla ice cream. This chemical has a distinct smell that is similar to that of vanilla, which is why it is harvested as a fragrance. What’s more surprising is that Castoreum can be extracted from a beaver in a fluid-like stream. So yeah, that delicious ice cream is filled with a combination between urine and beaver anal secretions, but it seems that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesn’t have a problem with it!

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3 thoughts on “8 Disgusting Ingredients Your Favorite Foods Contain”

  1. Are you telling me that Yoplait yogurt has dead bugs in it. How can you be publishing this? I don’t believe it. Please explain.

    1. Hi, Donna! Actually, what we meant to say is that the red dye in some yogurts contains a distinct kind of bacteria that’s also found in a certain species of bugs. We apologize for the misunderstanding. Our advice would be to go for simple yogurts rather than the dyed ones, because they contain more chemicals. Have a great day!

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