8 Disgusting Ingredients Your Favorite Foods Contain

Wendy’s Chili

Wendy`s produces what they call, their world-famous chili, to satisfy their customer’s hunger. Little do they know, the chili that they crave is composed of silicon dioxide, or sand if you will. Sand is used as an anti-caking agent in the chili so that it is looking fresh for your next purchase.

This really shouldn’t come off as a surprise, considering the obscurity of fast food restaurants.

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3 thoughts on “8 Disgusting Ingredients Your Favorite Foods Contain”

  1. Are you telling me that Yoplait yogurt has dead bugs in it. How can you be publishing this? I don’t believe it. Please explain.

    1. Hi, Donna! Actually, what we meant to say is that the red dye in some yogurts contains a distinct kind of bacteria that’s also found in a certain species of bugs. We apologize for the misunderstanding. Our advice would be to go for simple yogurts rather than the dyed ones, because they contain more chemicals. Have a great day!

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