7 Tasty Foods That Relieve Constipation Quickly

Photo by twenty20photos from Envato Elements

1. Apples

An apple a day keeps constipation at bay! Apples are an excellent source of fiber. One small apple contains approximately 3.6 grams of fiber.

As stated by the Institute of Medicine, women should aim for 25 grams of fiber every single day, while men should consume 38 grams. As soon as you respect the recommended intake, you’ll most likely see an improvement in your bowel movements.

Besides, apples also contain a type of soluble fiber (pectin) that has laxative effects. In a recent study, 80 individuals of different ages took pectin supplements. After only 4 weeks, they saw an improvement in digestive health, including reduced symptoms of constipation.

Try to enjoy this nutritious snack more often or at least one of these 10 ordinary fruits with extraordinary health benefits!

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