Depression is one of the most common diseases of our century; more and more people struggle with it every single day. To be precise, around 17.3 million American adults had at least one major depressive episode (and that number is really concerning). Daily stressors such as financial issues can have huge consequences on our health and behavior without even realizing what’s wrong with us in the first place. If you’ve been feeling blue lately, you should see a psychologist.
However, you should also start eating more of the foods listed below. Why?! These super foods can help you keep depression and anxiety at bay. Read on to discover them!

1. Walnuts
Do you need a mood boost? Go nuts! Walnuts are particularly great when it comes to improving your mood. “Plus, the magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids which are found in walnuts have both been shown to positively impact serotonin and dopamine levels (mood hormones),” says Tanya Zuckerbrot MS, RD, and the founder of the F-Factor Diet.
“Balanced levels of serotonin and dopamine may help to prevent clinical depression.” She also says that magnesium actually helps regulate cortisol levels and improve your emotional well being. So, when you’re feeling down, eat some walnuts–they will most definitely uplift your spirit!