6 Fall Superfoods for Weight Loss

“Superfoods” is a term used to describe foods that are high in nutrients and, most of the time, low in calories. Such foods provide many healthy nutrients – such as vitamins and minerals – but not many unhealthy ones – such as trans fats, salt, and sugar. Many of these wonder foods are plant based. With most, you can eat quite a lot of them without feeling guilty or packing on a few extra pounds. In fact, these may be the closest thing to a magic diet pill there is.

Maintaining a healthy weight and remaining in shape are not easy endeavors. If they were, everyone would do it and the obesity rate among U.S. adults would not be 40%. It takes a huge amount of effort and willpower to exercise on a regular basis, and, most importantly, to eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Determining which foods and drinks are better for weight loss than others can be difficult. There are many factors to consider – calories, sugar, fiber. Some research has shown that high-fiber foods help with weight loss efforts because they don’t spike blood sugar levels and contribute to feeling full longer.

Nutritionists and other experts always remind us that losing weight is mostly about the food, but exercising is important, too.


Calories: 132 per head
Fiber content: 13 g (52% of DV)
Rich in: Vitamins C and K, folate, pantothenic acid
Other health benefits: Decreased risk of some cancers and cardiovascular diseases

Spaghetti squash

Calories: 259 each
Fiber content: 13 g (52% of DV)
Rich in: Vitamins A, C, calcium, iron
Other health benefits: Helps prevent oxidative stress, may promote digestive health


Calories: 234 each
Fiber content: 11 g (44% of DV)
Rich in: Vitamin C, K, folate, and fiber
Other health benefits: Promotes digestion, helps protect against cancer

Acorn squash

Calories: 115 per cup
Fiber content: 9 g (36% of DV)
Rich in: Vitamins A, C, B6, thiamin, magnesium, iron
Other health benefits: Boosts the immune system, anti-inflammatory


Calories: 118 each
Fiber content: 6 g (24% of DV)
Rich in: Vitamins A, C, potassium, copper, manganese
Other health benefits: Antioxidant, may benefit heart health, reduce inflammation


Calories: 101 each
Fiber content: 5.5 g (22% of DV)
Rich in: Fiber, copper, Vitamin C and K
Other health benefits: Anti-inflammatory, may reduce risk of diabetes and heart disease


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