25 of the Healthiest Foods to Eat

Photo by Anna_Pustynnikova from Shutterstock

11. Potatoes

If you usually enjoy your potatoes fried, they are not healthy. But if you like them baked or boiled, you’re good to go. One medium-sized potato packs almost 4 grams of fiber, 28 percent of your RDA for vitamin C, 19 percent of your RDA for manganese, and 12 percent of your RDA for folate.

Additionally, you’ll also get some phosphorus, magnesium, and niacin. Just chop some green onions and sprinkle them over your baked potatoes!

Read also: 5 Foods That Are More Than Just Magnesium Rich

P.S.: When we’ve said potatoes, we’ve referred to sweet ones, too!

12. Mushrooms

All mushrooms are considered superfoods because they pack great amounts of potassium, the mineral needed for muscle recovery and blood pressure management. Plus, potassium is also responsible for lowering the effects of high-sodium meals.

Mushrooms boost immunity and protect against cancer too. Studies suggest that a high mushroom consumption can reduce tumors’ size. All in all, mushrooms are great for good overall health, so you should really include them more often in your diet.

13. Eggplant

As per a review of studies, the flavonoids responsible for giving eggplants their vibrant color are doing a wide range of other beneficial things. Diabetes control, weight management, heart disease prevention, proper brain functions, and inflammation reduction are just a few.

Eggplants could even improve your eyesight! And there’s literally a ton of eggplant recipes on the Internet. Just find the one that suits you most.

Photo by MK photograp55 from Shutterstock

14. Avocado

Yes, avocado packs some calories, but it also has essential nutrients and vitamins. One medium-sized avocado contains approximately 5 grams of fiber, 20 percent of your RDA for folate, 26 percent of your RDA for vitamin K, 17 percent for vitamin C, and 14 percent for potassium.

Plus, it can also make you feel fuller for longer; they are abundant in metabolism-enhancing monounsaturated fats that can minimize hunger.

People with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular issues are advised to consume avocados more often, as they can lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

15. Seafood

In general, seafood is great for your health. Regular seafood consumption is associated with a healthy weight. According to the American Heart Association, you should aim to eat fatty fish such as sardine, salmon, tuna, or lake trout at least two times a week, because they are all high in omega-3 fatty acids, responsible for heart health.

However, not all fish are created equal, so try to stick with wild-caught Alaskan salmon or wild Alaskan Pollock. Swordfish, shark, and king mackerel may contain higher levels of mercury contamination than any other fish. So, it’s best to avoid them.

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