2. Berries
We already know that berries are among the healthiest foods on the planet, but were you aware of the fact that almost all types of berries are also excellent natural laxative options? No? Maybe you didn’t know about their fiber content…
For instance, about 152 grams of strawberries contain 3 grams of fiber, 148 grams of blueberries pack 3.6 grams, and 144 grams of blackberries have 7.6 grams. No matter what type of berries is your favorite, you’ll most likely get a fair fiber amount.
And just like chia seeds, berries pack as well two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. You know what happens when you’re eating sources of soluble fiber, but how about insoluble ones? Unlike soluble fiber, insoluble fiber doesn’t absorb water. It remains intact while moving through the body, maximizing the bulk of stool in order to benefit from an easier passage.
Add some berries into your diet—your bowel movements will thank you for that!
1 thought on “18 Foods That Work as Natural Laxatives”
So, how about those of us who have UC Crohn’s what should we be eating?