1. Chia Seeds
Eating rich sources of fiber is what you need to go regular! Thankfully, chia seeds contain plenty of it… When you consume enough high-fiber foods, this type of carbohydrate moves through your intestines undigested, promoting this way regularity to your bowel movements.
But how much fiber is enough? Well, according to the Institute of Medicine, men must get approximately 38 grams of fiber per day, while women 25 grams. Yet, on average, American adults get no more than 15 grams of fiber per day.
If you’re one of them, maybe that’s the problem. Try to aim for the recommended daily amounts. (Just so you know, in 1 ounce of chia seeds, there are 11 grams of fiber.)
Several studies demonstrated the benefits of consuming high-fiber foods such as chia seeds. Apart from promoting regularity, chia seeds also ease the passage of your stools. This is possible mainly because they also contain soluble fiber.
This type of fiber absorbs water, transforming itself into a gel that promotes the formation of softer stools. If you’re constipated, eat a handful of chia seeds or sprinkle them over your fresh salad or Greek yogurt.
1 thought on “18 Foods That Work as Natural Laxatives”
So, how about those of us who have UC Crohn’s what should we be eating?