15 Meal Prep Secrets That Can Reap Some Serious Nutrition Benefits

Stay ripe with that avocado

There’s nothing like a perfectly ripe avocado and the rich, creamy texture and nutty flavor that adds so much to so many dishes. “However, the window from perfectly ripe to rotten is pretty small so to capitalize on their nutrients, including high levels of monounsaturated fats—the heart-healthy kinds—use them as soon as they ripen,” says Rachel Begun, RDN, a registered dietitian in Los Angeles.

“Eating them at peak ripeness means you’ll best reap the benefits of avocados, nutrient powerhouse, an excellent source of vitamins C, E, B6, folate and K as well as fiber and potassium.”

Tip: If you want a hard avocado to ripen more quickly, place it in a paper bag on the kitchen counter for a few days. Don’t refrigerate!

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