15 Meal Prep Secrets That Can Reap Some Serious Nutrition Benefits

See the power in sweet potatoes

If you love sweet potatoes, it might be tempting to boil them. Skip it and steam, microwave, or bake them instead to help retain more of the anthocyanins, compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers, says Christy Brissette, RD, a dietitian in Toronto. Bonus: Steaming also helps reduce the glycemic index of your sweet potatoes. “This means you’ll get a slower release of sugar into your bloodstream which can help you stay full longer,” she says.

Tip #1: Don’t peel ’em. Instead, simply remove blemishes and cook sweet potatoes with the skin on as the skin is loaded with extra fiber and potassium, nutrients that are important for heart health.

Tip #2: Serve with a teaspoon of heart-healthy fat such as olive oil or avocado oil. “Having about five grams of fat with your sweet potato will help you absorb more of the beta carotene, a nutrient that provides eye health and antioxidant benefits,” Brissette says.

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