3. Coconut water
While our mothers weren’t used to comfort us with coconut water when we were sick, today it is a popular disease-fighting drink. Some may argue that coconut water is for rich and fancy people, but that’s certainly not true. One 12-pack case of coconut water is only $23.43 on Amazon.
Get it from here!
Now that we’ve solved the mystery, let’s handle another. How on earth is coconut water good when we are sick? Again, we can go back to our ancient ancestors as there is some evidence to suggest they used coconut milk to sterilize wounds.
Well, first of all, hydration is key when you’re sick (especially when you have a fever and/or diarrhea), and guess what… coconut water is the top hydrating drink. (We’ve classified it as top because it also tastes heavenly).
Secondly, it contains electrolytes and glucose while easing stomach pain. Thirdly, due to its antioxidant properties, coconut water can prevent oxidative damage and keep your blood sugar under control.

4. Hot tea
After chicken soup, hot teas are probably Americans’ favorite cold remedy. Hot teas also act as natural decongestants in order to keep your sinuses free of mucus. However, if it’s way too hot, don’t drink it; it may irritate your throat.
Tea has a wide range of benefits. From relieving congestion and keeping you hydrated to guarding against certain types of cancers, tea checks many criteria.
In addition, tea packs polyphenols, plant compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The most popular polyphenols found in teas are tannins. Why? Because they have anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.
On top of that, a quite recent study demonstrated that the tannic acid found in black teas could minimize the amounts of a certain type of bacteria that usually grows in the throat.
If you’re not a fan of black tea, don’t worry. Echinacea tea is also great when it comes to combating the common cold and flu, as well as hibiscus tea.
Are you sipping on your favorite tea right now? Here’s a teapot with a removable infuser you will most likely love.