12 Foods You Should Eat When You’re Sick

Photo by Madeleine Steinbach from Shutterstock

1. Broths

Just like the popular chicken soup, broths are great for keeping you hydrated when you’re sick. Added to that fact, they also provide a unique flavor accompanied by a plethora of vitamins and minerals. Folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium are the most important ones.

When you’re sick, it’s a good idea to consume them while hot. Due to their hot steam, broths act as natural decongestants. They also keep you satisfied for longer, so broths may aid weight loss too.

In general, all doctors and nutritionists recommend homemade broths, but if you almost burned your house last time you cooked, at least make sure that the broth bought from your local grocery store doesn’t carry too much salt.

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Photo by Marian Weyo from Shutterstock

2. Garlic

Known as the repellent of love, garlic has been used as a medicinal herb for at least 5000 years. Along the way, its antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties have treated millions of people worldwide.

Besides all of the above, garlic can also give your immune system quite a boost. Several studies concluded that garlic is an efficient herb in easing the symptoms of both the common cold and flu. In fact, one study said that people who ate garlic on a regular basis got sick less often than those who didn’t.

Although Dracula was not that excited when he first saw a couple of garlic cloves, you shouldn’t follow his example. Another study confirmed that garlic can even diminish the period of your sickness. The participants of the study who consumed garlic daily got better almost 4 days faster than the placebo group.

Moreover, it seems that aged garlic supplements can boost your immunity while reducing the chances of catching colds.

When you’re sick, health experts recommend adding some garlic cloves to your chicken soups or broths to make them more effective in combating the flu.

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