10 Surprising Foods Most Likely to Cause Food Poisoning

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says an estimated 48 million people contract food poisoning every year—that’s one in six Americans. We talked to experts about the foods that are most likely to turn on you.


Sunny-side-up eggs

What’s not to love about an oozy egg, especially over biscuits and gravy or a corned beef hash? Potential salmonella infection, that’s what. Salmonella is among the most common causes of food poisoning—and it can turn up in your egg courtesy of an infected laying hen.

How to avoid food poisoning: The risk is relatively rare, but if you’re feeding little kids, the elderly, or anyone with a compromised immune system, cook the egg thoroughly to kill off any dangerous bacteria. Opt for hard-boiled, thoroughly scrambled, or over-well eggs. Another option, says Francisco Diez-Gonzalez, PhD, professor and director of the Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia in Griffin, is pasteurized eggs.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has created Ask Karen, a service that allows you to submit questions about eggs, meat, and poultry and get a response any time of the day or night.

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