Yes, You Can Eat More and Lose Weight Simultaneously

We are all motivated by different things – and when it comes to losing weight, we surely need plenty of motivation. We try all kinds of diets, workouts and even take drastic measures such as starvation just to see that waistline actually last for longer than a month. But that’s not the solution.

New York City-based nutritionist Brooke Alpert explains us why, too. Most diets, as we already know, are under the form of ’30-day challenges,’ ‘3-month nutrition programs’ or any other type that implies a deadline.

We program our minds and bodies to go through limited-time changes and, once they’re over, our physical shape just goes back to the way it used to be.

What works much better, as Alpert says, is to create a meal plan that works for you and that you know for sure it’s going to stick on the long run. If a diet seems to drastic, avoid it, because you will eventually give in to cravings or give up on it for good.

Here are a couple of tips on how you can balance your diet to see long-lasting, positive changes.

Get some protein & fiber at every meal

Protein helps you feel full for a longer time and regulates your metabolism, which is good enough to include it in every meal. Also, fiber intake makes it harder for your body to absorb sugar, which means you won’t be craving as many sweets as before.

Best protein-rich foods:

  • omelette (protein) with spinach (fiber)
  • chia pudding (protein) with berries (fiber)
  • chicken (protein) with salad (fiber)
  • sautéed shrimp (protein) with zucchini noodles (fiber)

Clock your meals

The secret to losing weight for good is to maintain a stable amount of blood sugar levels. If you just eat a healthy snack every couple of hours, you will see major changes in your appetite and energy levels.

The more hours you go without eating anything, the higher your blood sugar level gets.

As an extra tip, you should always leave 12-14 hours between dinner and the next day breakfast. As mice studies proved, those who take their time to have breakfast the following day develop less body fat than the other category.

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