This Is What Happens To You When You Eat Greasy Food

These days temptations are everywhere and honestly, how could you resist those golden fried potatoes or that big squeezy burger?

Even though nobody can blame us for wanting all those things, they might not be the best option for your body. We know they’re unhealthy, but how do they really work on our body? Let’s find out.

First of all, fat is the most slowly digested ingredient – which means that our digestive system has a lot of work to do after a greasy meal. That’s one of the main causes for bloating, nausea and general discomfort.

As the digestion process is being slowed down, the extra fat in your foods also affects your gut bacteria, which is essential to your immune system. Eating more refined vegetable oils than nourishing fats tips the body’s balance of fatty acids, which in turn may throw off everything from hormone levels to immune health.

Furthermore, the negative effects of greasy foods are also visible on your skin. That’s right, it can cause acne too. “The effect is indirect, occurring over time and as a result of a dietary pattern of eating,”explains Alya Barmmer, a Boston-based registered dietitian. “Acne is largely caused by hormonal imbalances and/or bacterial imbalances, so greasy foods cause acne by way of harming gut health.”

This, along with an increased risk of heart disease and even diabetes should make you think twice before eating greasy foods on a daily basis!

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