These Types of Foods Boost Your Memory Instantly

As you reach a certain age, your memory starts playing tricks on you. This can be due to lack of sleep, genetics, poor lifestyle choices and other factors. Thankfully, you can correct these errors by changing your diet.

Certain foods can bring your blood flow to normal levels, thus improving your brain functionality. As a plus, they increase the production of protein and other ingredients that help your memory work better.

Here are the main diet tips you should apply for a good memory:

Eat your veggies

It may sound boring, but veggies are wonder medicine to your brain. If you don’t do it already, start adding cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and dark leafy greens. As your main meal choices, you can go for kale salads or tortilla.


Go for berries and cherries

Dark berries, including blackberries, blueberries and cherries, are very rich in anthocyanins. These delicious treats also include flavonoids, which boots your long-term and short-term memory functions.

As your snacks, you can substitute chocolate with cereal or yoghurt with berries.


Get your dose of omega-3 fatty acids

Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, does wonders for your metabolism and memory, just like omega-3 fatty acids. Whether it’s seafood or algae, there are plenty of ways to integrate these ingredients and create a delicious meal. Fatty fish such as salmon, bluefin tuna, sardines or herring are also highly recommended.

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1 thought on “These Types of Foods Boost Your Memory Instantly”

  1. Many of us seniors KNOW about good nutrition…fresh fruits and veggies…and perhaps that is why they are so expensive. I have found a way to enjoy them, however. I eliminate most meat.

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