Love Bananas? Here Are 12 Side-Effects of Eating Them Too Much

Photo by Paulo Vilela at Shutterstock

How Many Bananas Do YOU Eat Per Day?

We’ve always known bananas to be an incredibly healthy option when it comes to snacks, containing high doses of potassium, vitamin C, and a few other minerals and vitamins.

But have you ever thought about the side effects of eating this delicious fruit every day? ARE bananas as healthy as people claim?

We did the research just to find out that eating them can do quite a bit for your body when you eat them regularly.

Although, it’s important to remember not to go overboard because even with bananas, there is a limit before they start becoming harmful to your overall health.

So, sticking to 1 to 3 per day is your best option. But let’s take a closer look at the side effects you could begin to experience after eating a massive amount of bananas each day.

Click “Next” To learn about all 12 negative aspects!

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1 thought on “Love Bananas? Here Are 12 Side-Effects of Eating Them Too Much”

  1. I wonder if in moderation of 1/2 banana a day is a problem. The banana is rich in nutrients and certainly has been a staple for most homo species for centuries.

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