Here’s the One Diet Change You Should Make In 2018

With so much accessibility to information right now, it really seems like everything you considered to be right is wrong – and vice versa. While one nutritionist recommends a certain diet, another one thinks diversity will actually makes the difference. Obviously, many people get confused quickly and some even give up on following any piece of advice because they’re not sure of anything anymore!

However, that’s not a solution.

And we’re not here to tell you that a specific diet will turn your life around because that’s not the truth. What we are here, though, is to tell you a rather obvious truth that many people forget or don’t realize: vegetables.



How veggies make the difference

We all know vegetables are good for our physical and mental health, but there are very few of us who actually do eat more of them on a regular basis. In order to truly take advantage of nutrients and vitamins offered by them, you should consume vegetables at every single meal of every day.

One of the basic rules to becoming (and staying) healthy is to eat five meals per day. This means that you should eat vegetables (or a meal that includes vegetables as well) at breakfast, lunch, dinner and in between as well.

The trick is that you don’t have to change anything about the way you’re eating right now to lose weight! All you have to do is add some extra veggies to what you’re already eating and you will notice the difference.



In fact, when researchers compared people that consumed the same number of calories, they found those who ate more plant foods had a lower BMI and smaller waist measurements, as well as less inflammation, compared to those who ate less produce.

So the main resolution for a successful, healthy 2018 shouldn’t be to try all the diets in the world – nor to stay so hungry that you get sick. Let’s make our resolution to stay happy, enjoy our beauty, embrace our personality and gladly eat a bit of everything you like (with moderation!).


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