Refined Flour: For people with diabetes, this is also known as white poison! Refined flour contains a huge amount of carbs that increase body weight inflammation, and so it aids in high blood pressure levels. White flour also increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, obesity, diabetes, and a high cholesterol. It even increases the risk of some cancers and most inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. It suppresses immune function and, according to doctors, is one of the most common causes of fatigue, depression, anxiety, hypoglycemia, starch cravings, and intestinal yeast overgrowth.
Red Meat: Red meat includes pork, goat, beef, and lamb. The fat and cholesterol content of all these types of meat is high. So consuming red meat often increases the fat cells and raises blood pressure to a high level. But if you love red meat and are worried about your blood pressure, you’ll be happy to know that research doesn’t prove a negative association for All red meats. Studies have shown that eating half a serving of red meat per day won’t affect blood pressure.
Sugar: It plays a vital role in raising blood pressure levels. New research and studies have revealed that eating food with added sugar can increase systolic blood pressure by 6.9mmHg and diastolic pressure by 5.6mmHg. Overeating sugar can block nitric oxide production in the blood vessels. Nitric oxide typically helps with vasodilation, which expands the blood vessels. Without NO, the narrowing of the blood vessels can lead to higher blood pressure.
High Blood Pressure is no joke, check with your doctor if you have any issues!