High Blood Pressure? Avoid These 10 Foods

high blood pressure
Photo by Me dia at Shutterstock

Table Salt: While salt may be essential to our bodies, your kidneys control your levels. If you consume too much salt, the kidneys pass it into the urine. But when our salt intake levels are very high, the kidneys might not be able to keep up, and the salt can remain in the body. Too much salt consumption can adversely affect your health. And those who are highly sensitive to salt are at the high-risk zone to get high blood pressure levels.

Caffeine: Well, this one is pretty obvious. Caffeine is one of the most widely ingested natural stimulants in the world. And several cups of coffee per day can increase the adrenalin hormone level in the blood, raising the high blood pressure level. Regular caffeine consumption can lessen caffeine’s impact on your blood pressure because you can build up a tolerance to it. But some people will still find that caffeine raises their blood pressure even after long-term use.

Frozen Food: We all enjoy convenience, so adding a bunch of frozen meals to your shopping cart is reasonable once in a while. However, it should not become a habit because it adversely affects our health. Canned noodles, doughnuts, frozen pizzas, frozen pot pies, and canned chicken soup all go under the “high in sodium and fat” category.

Alcohol: Chronic alcohol use can impact almost every part of your body. And alcohol contains calories that aid in obesity and fat deposition. This is directly related to hypertension. To help prevent high blood pressure, the American Heart Association recommends limiting your alcohol intake to no more than two drinks a day for men and no more than one drink a day for women.

Is your favorite food the root of all evil?!?

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