Dietitians Say These 12 Restaurant Meals Are Surprisingly High in Salt

Sodium is an essential mineral for life. It helps regulate our body’s fluid balance and certain muscle functions. But, just because it’s essential for our bodies, it doesn’t mean we should be eating it freely.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends no more than 2,300 milligrams per day, which is equivalent to about one teaspoon of salt. If you’re always prepping your own food, then this shouldn’t be of any concern, but if you tend to eat out a lot, heed this warning: Restaurant food has tons of excess sodium. Sodium enhances the taste of any bland dish, and some of the most salty foods out there, like breads, pizzas, meats, and soups, are restaurant staples.

But this doesn’t mean you have to give up on dining out altogether, it simply means, you should be more aware of what you’re ordering. Ask for dressings on the side, order fresh vegetables as often as you can, and make sure you specify how you want your food prepared…with no added salt.

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