There are many theories about this simple condiment, and using it has not only been handy for a lot of homeowners, but it also makes pest-killing very cheap and easy to do. Salt and many other natural treatments are famous because they don’t contain harmful chemicals that family and pets can pick up. Salt consumes water and vapor in the air. So when exposed to moisture, it absorbs it. Blogs claim that salt kills insects by zapping condensation away from them. So to put it simply, salt dehydrates them to death. Here are some homemade solutions for you to try!
- Mix some table salt with boiling water. Let it cool off a bit and pour it into a spray bottle. Then spray the mix all over ant-infested areas of your house.
- A second option is to mix the salt with boiling water and drop it into an ant mound. This guarantees many dead ants, but it may not be able to kill all of them. Some ant mounds have intricate deep underground tunnels that outside forces cannot reach. So it just depends on how giant the anthill is.
- According to JSTOR, you should mix bran, sugar, and salt solution to kill ants. All you have to do is mix 65% bran, 10% sugar, 25% salt, and water to make a paste. The mixture attracts insects, even though it destroys them. Scatter it around the house or directly into an ant-busy area to see how well it reduces your ant problem.