9 Diet Changes You Should Make After 40

Photo by Cesarz from Shutterstock

2. Eat more protein

As you get older, you lose muscle mass. Protein actually helps you preserve and enhance lean muscle. “Interestingly, research suggests your body can use protein more effectively for muscle-building when you include protein-rich foods throughout your day,” explains nutritionist Christy Brissette, president of 80 Twenty Nutrition.

As a general rule, you should aim to make a protein-rich food a basic component in every snack. Also, every meal should have at least 30 grams of protein. That means you’ll need about four ounces of chicken, fish, lean meat, or plant-based protein like lentils, beans, or soy.

“For snacks, include an ounce of nuts, two tablespoons hummus or nut or seed butter to meet your protein needs,” adds Brissette.

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