8 Ways You’re Reading Food Labels Wrong

Photo by dolgachov from Envato Elements

2. You don’t keep an eye on the serving size

When you polish off a family-sized bag of chips instantly, you are most likely neglecting the recommended serving size, meaning that you’re eating way more calories and fat than you actually need, says Jen Bruning, MS, RDN, LDN, spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. For an easy, no-measure trick, she recommends writing down the number of servings in a package, then evaluating how much a serving would be, like half of a two-portion bag.

Also, don’t forget about the packages that look like a kid size serving. “Even with small items like candy bars, it’s important to see how many servings are in your hand,” she says. “Just because it can fit in your hand or you can eat it in one sitting doesn’t mean it fits one serving size by nutrition.” Here are some portion control containers that could really minimize your efforts.

Pro tip: If you’re following a weight loss plan, you should consider drinking a glass of water up to 30 minutes before every single meal. Water intake can naturally result in reduced food intake and greater feelings of fullness. (Need a reminder to drink more water? Here’s something better!)

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