8 Tasty Carbs That Can Boost Your Health in an Instant

Photo by Africa Studio from Shutterstock

2. Potatoes

Potatoes have a bad reputation, especially when we are referring to weight loss diets. However, remember that there are different types of potatoes out there: from white potatoes to red and purple ones. “I often ask people what they have against the poor potato,” says Beth Warren, RDN, founder of Beth Warren Nutrition and author of Living a Real Life with Real Food.

“It has gotten such a bad rap, but it provides so much more than a simple slice of white bread. One potato provides 15 percent of your fiber needs and 25 percent of your vitamin C and B6 needs per day.” It’s not right to think about potatoes as comfort foods, unless they are fried and eaten with mayonnaise and ketchup.

So, in order to make white potatoes even healthier and enjoy all the benefits they have to offer, you should eat them with the skin on. Keeping the skin will give you more fiber. Also, you should limit those less healthy accompaniments such as butter and cream.

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