8 Foods That Keep Skin Soft and Moisturized

Photo by NatashaPhoto from Shutterstock

2. Avocado

There’s a good reason why we can’t stop praising the great benefits provided by avocado consumption. The perfect blend of healthy fats, proteins, and vitamins make it a well known powerhouse for your body inside and out. “The protein helps support the structures of collagen and elastin in your skin, while the fat keeps your skin moisturized,” says Alpert.

The best part? Many studies have shown that consuming avocado regularly can improve heart disease risk factors like total, “bad” LDL and “good” HDL cholesterol, as well as blood triglycerides.

Wait…there’s more: Avocados are high in antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin and these two nutrients are actually essential for good eye health. As a matter of fact, thanks to those nutrients, you could lower your risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. (For some tasty avocado recipes have a read of this book!)

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