8 Common Foods That Slow Down Your Metabolism

Photo by eldar nurkovic from Shutterstock

3. Low protein diets

Newsflash: Consuming enough protein is very important for maintaining a healthy weight. A high protein intake can significantly change the rate at which your body burns the extra calories. In fact, a study found that people needed to eat at least 0.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight (1.2 grams per kg) to prevent their metabolism from slowing during and after weight loss.

“Your body expends a good amount of energy to break down and store protein, so make sure you’re getting some protein (about 20 to 30 grams) at each meal and spreading this throughout the day,” says Gorin, who suggests starting your day with a high-protein smoothie with vanilla bean, which provides almost 21 grams of protein.

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