7 Foods You Should Definitely Eat Before Bedtime

Photo by Katinkah from Shutterstock

6. Passionflower tea

A cup of tea can do miracles too. If you’re a fan of passionflower tea, consume it more often, especially if you’re dealing with insomnia. This herbal tea puts you to bed due to its calming properties.

Additionally, it contains impressive flavonoid antioxidants that are crucial for minimizing inflammation in the body, supporting immune health, and reducing the risk of developing heart-related diseases.

Studies even suggest that passionflower tea might be able to reduce depression and anxiety. There’s also evidence to support such claims since this herbal tea has been shown to boost the production of the brain chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

This brain chemical acts as a stress inhibitor; therefore people with anxiety might experience a ease in this disease.

Yes, more research is needed to understand the connection between passionflower tea and sleep, but, a cup of tea just before bedtime won’t do any harm, on the contrary.

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