6 Unhealthy Foods You Should Never Buy Again

Photo by Steve Cukrov from Shutterstock

1. Veggies in a can

Everything that comes in a can should be avoided, but veggies are most definitely a no-no. Why? Because they are stripped of essential nutrients and loaded with tons of sodium. Consuming large amounts of sodium can lead to numerous health issues such as high blood pressure and heart disease. It’s best to avoid anything in a can, if you can (haha).

If you’re looking for veggies that aren’t available during winter, opt for frozen instead of canned. Unlike canned vegetables, frozen ones can brag about being super-healthy. They aren’t loaded with lots of sodium and they preserve their nutrients, despite the fact that they are frozen as in most cases they are flash frozen so the nutrients are instantly sealed in.. However, read the labels carefully to make sure you’re purchasing plain veggies, not those dipped in sauce.

Here’s a steamer that might solve your “what should I make for dinner” problem.

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