6 Surprising Foods That Help You Sleep Like a Baby

Photo by picturepartners from Envato Elements

3. Bananas

Did someone say both tasty and healthy? He or she is most definitely referring to bananas! Bananas are probably the most popular fruit out there and for good reasons. Despite their amazing taste, bananas offer endless benefits.

For instance, when consumed regularly, bananas can enhance heart and digestive health. Clearly. they can also make you sleepy, due to their magnesium and potassium content which actually work as a muscle relaxant. (That’s why bodybuilders consume them after each workout.)

Photo by Jultud from Envato Elements


Yeah, drinking a glass of warm milk before bedtime to get more sleep is no myth. In fact, dairy products such as milk and cheese helped a lot of people improving their sleep, as a study suggests.

Like walnuts, dairy products can brag themselves with the famous trio: melatonin, tryptophan and serotonin. So, if you’re struggling to fall asleep, drink one glass of warm milk before bedtime—you will thank us.


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2 thoughts on “6 Surprising Foods That Help You Sleep Like a Baby”

  1. As a non-sleeper, your article was interesting and informative. I’m anxious to try these remedies. Oh, for a solid nights sleep.

  2. Hi! Interesting and helpful article! I have been eating bananas when I wake up in the middle of the night because, for some unknown reason to me, they helped me get back to sleep. Now I know why! I was wondering, though, do these foods make you sleepy during the day if you eat them for snacks or lunch? If so, are there foods that energize you? Should you combine them with those energizing foods?

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