5 “Unhealthy” Foods That Get a Bad Rap, But They Really Shouldn’t

Photo by Marie C Fields from Shutterstock

1. Crackers

Anar Allidina, a registered dietitian, says that animal crackers and graham crackers are actually good comfort food choices. Although graham crackers are not as healthy as they used to be (they were actually made to be part of the Graham Diet, a high fiber vegetarian diet), they are still better than most crackers out there.

Graham crackers are also seen as an under the radar snack for diabetic sufferers. People who deal with diabetes can enjoy graham crackers with peanut butter or organic honey as a two-cracker serving packs 8 grams of sugar.

Considering that the recommended amount of sugar for women with diabetes is no more than 23 grams/day, and for men around 36 grams, you can safely consume a small portion size of graham crackers.

Related: Do You Have Diabetes? Avoid These 10 Foods at All Costs!

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