3 Solid Reasons Why Mediterranean Diets Are Good

If you want to make a positive change in your lifestyle, but don’t know where to begin, Mediterranean diets are a great start. In fact, going for this kind of meal isn’t about eating certain foods, but more about avoiding the bad ones. This is just one of the reasons why this type of diet is so easy to maintain on the long term, with positive effects showing up pretty quickly too. Let’s check out the others:


1. Fresh foods with bread? Yes, please!

As you’ve already noticed, many diets require complicated meals made of ingredients really hard to find. Your only choice is to hit the frozen food shelves of the supermarket and eat foods that aren’t fresh (or tasty for that matter).

Mediterranean diets are mostly based on eating fresh, seasonal foods you can find in a fresh state at the market. Just think about a meal made of spinach, tasty tomatoes and some olives combined with feta cheese! The possibilities are endless regardless of season.

The best part? Bread is also on the menu as long as it’s made with whole grains. This type of bread is filled with protein and minerals. Add some hummus, tahini or olive oil to it and you’re in for a delicious meal.

2. Give fatty foods a go anytime

Of course, just because fats aren’t forbidden by a Mediterranean diet plan, it doesn’t mean you should give in to your burger cravings. There are many healthy, fatty foods on the market that offer you enough to stop thinking about bad choices naturally.

Fats included in foods like nuts, olives and olive oil contain the healthiest fats out there and you can include them in your meals and desserts in a wide range of ways. Sure enough, you must stay away of processed meals because they are real killers in many ways.


3 Big meals and tasty spices are included

Many people choose to stay away from Mediterranean diets because all they think of when they hear them is ‘salads.’ While salads are a great meal option that keeps you healthy and gives you plenty of energy, it’s just the beginning of this dream-diet.

If you just Google the most popular recipes in Spain, Turkey or Morocco, you’ll be amazed by how big their meal sizes are! As a plus, almost every Mediterranean recipe is filled with incredible spices that take you on a unique culinary trip. Although you don’t know them yet, don’t be afraid of trying them out — it’ll all be worth it.

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