20 Foods to Eat For Healthier and Stronger Lungs

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5. Turmeric

Due to its incredible anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric has been used as an alternative medicine for millennia. However, evidence suggests that the main active component in this flavorful spice, namely curcumin, is particularly good when it comes to lung health.

A recent study involving 2,478 people found that consuming this active component is strongly associated with optimized lung function. On top of that, the lung function of those who smoke and had a higher curcumin intake was significantly improved compared to those who took a low curcumin intake.

As a matter of fact, a higher curcumin intake in people who smoke was associated with 9.2% better lung function. Try to consume turmeric as often as it can… it is really versatile since you can even add it into your morning cup of Joe.

6. Blueberries

There’s nothing not to love about blueberries: they are tasty, healthy, and the perfect on-the-go snack for most people. Plus, blueberries are full of essential nutrients that have been associated with a broad of health benefits, like maintaining heart health and protecting lung function.

Peonidin, petunidin, malvidin, and delphinidin are all anthocyanins, and, thankfully, blueberries have plenty of them. Anthocyanins are excellent for lung health since they have been proved to protect lung tissue from harmful oxidative damage.

A study involving 839 older adults found that high blueberry intake was associated with a slower rate of decline when it comes to lung function.

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