15 Odd Colonial American Foods You Wouldn’t Touch

colonial america
Photo by Artashes at Shutterstock

Colonial America

I don’t know about you, but I grew up eating hot dogs and mac-n-cheese. But just like fashion, food trends change over time, and in this article’s case, that’s a good thing! Back in 18th century America, our delicious favorites didn’t exist. So, what did people eat in the Colonies? The answer might surprise you.

Though popular movies and books remember Colonial America for its quaint tea, lovely ginger cakes, and pudding, the tastes of early settlers were actually far more exotic and bizzare than they may first appear. Colonial-era food was resourceful, as early Americans inherited the flavors and recipes from the British culinary traditions while putting their spin on it.

Odd Colonial food recipes provide an interesting and entertaining window into one of the most essential aspects of everyday life in the Colonial America Era: what people ate. From the basics to the bizarre, here are some of the most interesting foods the colonists ate before the US became the country we know and love today.

…Click “Next” below to see the 15 odd things we’ve found!

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1 thought on “15 Odd Colonial American Foods You Wouldn’t Touch”

  1. The squirrels were hunted and shot with small caliber flintlock rifles (32 cal or smaller ) ie squirrel guns or muskets loaded with shot. Squirrels were competitors with pigs for the nuts and seeds in the forests. Hunting them today is still very popular!

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