15 Foods That Can Help You Control Your Diabetes

Photo by Aleksandr Grechanyuk from Shutterstock

8. Nuts

You’re nuts if you’re not munching on nuts! Nuts are pure gold for your health. They are both delicious and nutritious, making them the perfect on-the-go snack. Besides, all types of nuts are great sources of fiber and digestible carbs.

Numerous studies suggest that regular consumption can even minimize inflammation in the body and lower blood sugar. On top of that, all types of nuts are able to reduce bad cholesterol levels. Additionally, people with diabetes will most likely boost their heart health since nuts are one of the best foods when it comes to keeping your ol’ ticker in tip-top shape.

Studies also confirm that. For instance, a study involving more than 16,000 participants with type 2 diabetes discovered that eating tree nuts like pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds can lower your risk of developing heart disease.

Make sure to also check: 12 Foods to Lower Your High Blood Pressure Naturally

Your blood glucose levels will be in check, too. So, whenever you can, go nuts!

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