10. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
This type of oil is extremely beneficial for your health, especially for your heart. Because it contains a type of monounsaturated fat, namely oleic acid, extra-virgin olive oil is able to improve glycemic management while reducing post-meal triglyceride levels.
Another factor responsible for better diabetes management is the hormone GLP-1 found in oleic acid that can make you feel fuller for longer. Besides, extra-virgin olive oil can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease. That’s why the Mediterranean diet is always recommended for people with heart disease.
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In addition, extra-virgin olive oil packs polyphenols, which are basically antioxidants that can reduce inflammation in the body, decrease blood pressure, minimize bad cholesterol levels.
When you’re grocery shopping, please opt for a name-brand extra-virgin olive oil. Cheaper versions can be mixed with other types of oils like soy and corn.