12 Most Overrated Healthy Foods According To Experts

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Photo by mangkenark at Shutterstock

Brown Rice: People consider it healthier than white rice just because it’s brown. And one main nutritional reason people choose brown over white rice is a supposed lower glycemic index. But the actual glycemic load of a mixed meal is drained due to components such as fiber. Brown rice also has less nutrients than other sources of carbs like potatoes, and it just doesn’t fit the bill as a go-to healthy food.

Breakfast Cereals: Breakfast cereals are one of the most overrated healthy foods. While at least cereals like Lucky Charms and Frosted Flakes are obviously “candy cereals,” other cereals like Special K are extremely deceitful because they contribute to “health-washing” even though their sugar content is still considerable. So, we’re not saying you should cut cereals out of your diet entirely. Just be mindful of which ones you are buying.

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