12 Most Overrated Healthy Foods According To Experts

healthy food
Photo by Tatiana Bralnina

Buttered Coffee: Buttered Coffee: The current trend of tossing butter instead of milk into your coffee is foolish for several reasons. First off, the idea that this is a fat-burning drink is entirely false. If anything, it’s a fat-GAINING drink. Secondly, butter is not magic food. It’s a food that should be carefully moderated since it can negatively affect your blood lipid profile by increasing apolipoprotein B levels, which can raise your risk for cardiovascular disease.

Butter: While we’re on the topic of butter and healthy foods, even though it’s much healthier than vegetable oils and margarine, it’s still an isolated fat that provides very little nutrition relative to its energy density. The handful of micronutrients it does contain, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K2, are all available at much higher per-calorie levels in other foods. And though butter DOES contain a decent amount of butyric acid, your gut microbes can produce plenty of that just as well from fiber and resistant starch.

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