11 Vitamins and Supplements Nutritionists Say You’re Better Off Without

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2. Iron

When they aren’t prescribed, iron supplements could be dangerous, so don’t decide to take them on your own. “Iron is sometimes prescribed based on certain medical conditions, but use caution—it can have unpleasant side effects, including stomach upset and constipation,” says Hultin.

Did you know that too much iron could even lead to a condition called hemochromatosis, which can cause an irregular heartbeat, cirrhosis of the liver, and even cancer? Hultin prefers to use an individualized approach based on lab data to help determine which supplements her patients actually need.

“This is another one to take only if you need to, and in the doses recommended by your doctor,” she says. Instead, she actually recommends ensuring that you get this essential mineral from food, such as fortified breakfast cereal, oysters, beans, dark chocolate, tofu, lentils, spinach, meats like beef and chicken.

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