11 Types of Hunger You Probably Experience Every Day

Photo by Olena Yakobchuk from Shutterstock

1. Eye hunger

Are you familiar with the term “eye hunger?” As the name suggests, it refers to the hunger that occurs when we look at beautiful-looking dishes. Imagine you’re eating out with your friends and family, and your spouse ordered something you don’t usually eat… Well, the chef did such a good job with the dish that you simply can’t resist the temptation.

It happens to the best of us, and that’s understandable. The same happens when you see a food advertisement on TV. Although you are not hungry at all, the minute you spot a burger in a food magazine, you want it. This is what all food experts call “eye hunger.”

How to control it: Try to look at something else, such as the dish in front of you, or at something you’ll know for sure would divert your attention away from your spouse’s dish. You’ll avoid overeating while keeping your weight in check.

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