11 Healthy Food Lies We’ve Been Told Our Whole Lives

8. Eating after 7 p.m. causes weight gain.

How many midnight hunger pangs have you tried to ignore when you’re dieting? There’s just something about eating a tub of ice cream in the evening that seems so appealing; it can become an all-consuming thought.

However, eating after 7 p.m. isn’t the problem; it’s the overeating that inevitably ensues. Those late-night cravings are actually due to an undernourished system.

This is a common statement you’ll hear even from seasoned personal trainers, but the reality is there’s no scientific evidence behind it. This myth has become a “fact” because, typically, if you’re eating after 6 p.m., it’s usually due to your lack of food during the day. People tend to overeat at night if they haven’t properly nourished themselves throughout the day, leading to weight gain from late-night snacking.

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