11 Healthy Food Lies We’ve Been Told Our Whole Lives

10. Microwaving removes the nutritional value from food.

Yet another false statement! Don’t be so hasty to toss out your appliance just yet. The very act of cooking food, no matter what the method, does result in the loss of nutrients, but limiting the cooking time and the amount of liquid used is the best way to preserve the nutritional value of your meal. Guess what is specifically designed for this purpose? Your microwave.

Take spinach for example. If you boil it on the stove, spinach loses over half its folic acid, but if you microwave it with just a splash of water, this leafy green remains nutritious. Of course, if you use too much water in the microwave, you’re basically boiling the food and sapping its nutrients.

Be sure to cover the food tightly to effectively create a steam environment and only use a microwave-safe container.

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