11 Healthy Food Lies We’ve Been Told Our Whole Lives

7. Brown eggs are more natural than white ones.

When you walk into a farmers market, there’s just something about seeing fresh eggs out at a stand. You can already smell them frying back home. However, there’s a common misconception that brown eggs are an indicator of being produced in a more organic state.

The color of an egg is actually determined by the breed of the hen. There is virtually no difference in taste between the different colors of eggs. But there most definitely is a difference between an egg that comes from a free-range chicken and an egg that comes from a chicken who’s lived her whole life in a cage.

Hens raised in cages typically live in extremely cramped conditions, and many scientists believe that their quality of life can affect the taste of their eggs. However, meat producers can label eggs as free range by simply giving the chickens access to the outdoors. Be aware, though, that this does not necessarily mean the animals are actually roaming freely in an open field. Look for the pasture-raised label for a little more peace of mind when buying eggs.

It’s best, though, to research the farm where the eggs come from in order to be sure.

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