11 Healthier Sugar Alternatives You Should Be Using

Photo by Kabachki.photo from Shutterstock

3. Erythritol

Yep, this one sounds a little bit unorthodox, too, but, believe us, compared to sugar, erythritol is the definition of a saint. Like xylitol, erythritol is also a type of sugar alcohol, but, unlike the first one, erythritol actually contains fewer calories (0.24 calories per gram).

The best part? It tastes almost exactly like regular sugar. So, it might be a pretty easy switch between the two, especially if you cannot live without sugar. And although it tastes almost the same, erythritol is actually healthier because once it is consumed, erythritol is absorbed instantly into your bloodstream, being eliminated in your urine super fast. This means that, unlike sugar, erythritol doesn’t have enough “time” to harm your body.

Besides, studies suggest that erythritol doesn’t raise your insulin levels, triglyceride levels, blood sugar, or cholesterol. So far, so good, but a recent study seems to point out that erythritol could contribute to weight gain. Still, more research is needed to understand the connection. All in all, erythritol is definitely a healthier choice than refined sugar.

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