Did you know that there are two types of polyunsaturated fatty acids, namely omega-6s and omega-3s doctors and nutritionists say we need to consume more of? Research suggests that the human body needs both of them to function properly, and, apparently, the intakes should be equal.
A higher intake of omega-6 fatty acids could lead to inflammation. It’s crucial to understand that omega-6 fatty acids aren’t bad but necessary. The problem comes when you feed your body with way too many sources of omega-6s. Your omega-3s and omega-6s intakes should be balanced, and that’s when flaxseeds come into play.
A pulmonologist in Coronado, California, Asha Devereaux, MD, MPH, says that flaxseeds are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, so adding some into your diet is an excellent idea to combat inflammation.