11 Breakfast Foods You Should NEVER Start Your Day With

Photo by Nishihama from Shutterstock

Corn flakes

Now that you’ve ditched the box of sugary cereals, maybe you think that corn flakes are a better option. Corn flakes are incredibly unhealthy. The most popular corn flake brands available on the market are genetically modified. The tons of added sugar make corn flakes even worse.

A one-ounce serving of corn flakes packs only 1 gram of fiber, and the rest is… well, sugar. So, if you want your blood sugar levels to skyrocket, eat corn flakes. And it’s not just that. Eating corn flakes on a regular basis could mess with your hormones, too.

Plus, several studies pointed out that corn flakes make people gain weight.

It’s butter to use something else than our next one…..

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4 thoughts on “11 Breakfast Foods You Should NEVER Start Your Day With”

  1. Ok, they said “sugary” cereals. I need bran, what about bran; and I don’t put sugar on my cereal so what about that?

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