10 Healthy Meals You Can Make for Less Than $10 Each

Affordable meals don’t have to be boring—or reminiscent of your college years where you subsisted on ramen and eggs.

Sure, exotic ingredients are fun, but the cheapest things in the grocery store—vegetables—are where you want to focus your efforts. Don’t believe us? We’ve rounded up 10 delicious meals from nutritionists, all of which will run you fewer than $10 per serving—most of the time, way less than that.

A few basic things to keep in mind: If you’re on a tight budget, save money for your proteins, like chicken and meat. And don’t be afraid to work those frozen veggies, advises New York-based nutritionist Brigitte Zeitlin, R.D., owner of BZ Nutrition. “Frozen vegetables have all the same nutritional benefit of fresh and are typically a lot lower in price,” Zeitlin says. You can trade out frozen for any of the vegetables in these meals.

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