1. Canned and dried lentils and beans
If we would make a top of the healthiest foods on the planet, both lentils and beans would make it on the top ten list. But these are based only on nutritional considerations. Because when it comes to shelf life, they are definitely the greatest.
Canned and dried lentils and beans have extremely long shelf lives. And when we say ‘extremely,’ we mean that. Canned beans stored at room temperature (68℉) can last between two and five years, while dried beans can be safely consumed even after 10 years if you store them correctly. highly nutritious
Now, do you understand why everyone should have them in their pantries? They are definitely a top food choice for your kitchen.
Apart from that, both dried and canned lentils and beans are highly nutritious. From vitamins to nutrients, there’s not a single thing beans and lentils can’t provide.
Here’s the nutritional profile of approximately 171 grams of boiled pinto beans:
- Fiber: 15 grams
- Protein: 15 grams
- Carbs: 45 grams
- Fat: 1 gram
- Potassium: 21% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Magnesium: 21% of the DV
- Calcium: 8% of the DV
- Phosphorous: 25% of the DV
- Iron: 20% of the DV
- Folate: 74% of the DV
Plus, all beans have decent amounts of selenium, zinc, manganese, copper, and vitamins E, B1, B6, and K. To summarize, not only will they last for ages, but they will also provide an abundance of health benefits, including keeping your heart healthy and aiding weight loss.